A home purchase is still one of the smartest investment decisions you can make. For your investment to pay off, the property you choose has to be the right one. A professional home inspection can help you identify underlying issues. One critical aspect that homebuyers might overlook is the state of the plumbing system. If you plan to buy a house, a plumbing inspection can save you a lot of money and trouble in the future. Home inspectors are not licensed plumbers.
The inspection by a certified plumber can reveal hidden plumbing problems. Such issues reduce the efficiency of the plumbing system and require costly repairs. In the following post, find out crucial areas covered in a plumbing inspection to help you buy the right home.
1. Indoor Plumbing Inspection
Plumbing leaks are not always obvious, but a professional can usually detect the issues. The plumbing expert checks for indoor leaks in the bathroom and kitchen areas. The key items checked include the drains, toilets, sinks, caulk seals, garbage disposal system, and dishwasher.
The in-depth inspection looks out for signs of plumbing leaks. The signs include wet walls, plumbing noises, cracks, efflorescence, foul odors, mold and mildew, and water spots. Without the assessment, you can miss most of these leak signs. The inspection gives you an objective assessment of the state of the home’s plumbing.
2. Outdoor Plumbing Inspection
Homebuyers might not give the outdoor section of the plumbing a lot of attention, yet it plays an essential role in an effective plumbing system. The outdoor plumbing includes the main water supply, vent pipes, drains, shutoff valves, sump pump, septic, outdoor faucets, lawn sprinkler/irrigation system, and the sewer line.
Problems in the outdoor plumbing can cause structural damage to your property. A blocked drain/ sewer line increases the risk of infections if toxic wastewater flows back into the house. To avert such threats in your new home, invest in a professional plumbing inspection. The inspection covers every aspect of the outdoor plumbing, including water pressure, clogging, insulation, septic location/sizing, and leaks.
3. Water Heater Inspection
Water heaters are an essential feature in modern homes. When you shop for a house, the water heating system is one of the major components to consider. A water heater inspection focuses on the functionality, reliability, safety, and energy efficiency of the system.
Some common issues that might come up include low water pressure, faulty valves, electrical problems, poor energy supply, improper ventilation, water leaks, signs of corrosion, and mineral scaling. The inspection process confirms if the water heater is in functional shape. If you want a move-in ready home, confirm the state of the main systems, including the water heaters.
Is the plumbing system adequate for your needs? Maybe the previous occupants were comfortable with the capacity of the water heater, but you might need a larger system. A plumbing inspection evaluates the system against your needs.
4. Code Compliance Inspection
A plumbing system is crucial for the safety and health of your family. A plumbing inspection assesses the quality of the plumbing done in the home according to the local code. A plumbing code regulates the design, controls the installation, and guides the inspection of plumbing and sanitary systems.
The inspection checks whether the home’s plumbing system complies with the local code or other industry regulations. The last thing you want is to buy a home with plumbing that doesn’t meet the highest industry standards. With most house flippers it is common to find many violations. Code compliance is among the key elements covered in the plumbing inspection. You can enjoy peace of mind when you know the plumbing of your new home meets stringent regulatory standards.
A professional plumbing service has the expertise and equipment to perform a plumbing inspection. If you plan to buy a home around Tacoma, Washington, Spartan Plumbing, Inc. can help with this crucial service. Book our services today and experience our wide range of outstanding plumbing solutions.